Monthly Archives: August 2017

In the above slides we offer for your amusement and indignation a little light relief in the form of a selection of genuine vintage adverts that we have little doubt would be completely banned today.

Vintage Adverts

The ideal home office
As more people turn to freelance work and self-employment, the home office is fast becoming the new norm. Working from home welcomes the luxury of freedom that’s hard to find in a conventional office setting. However, the comfort of your own home may also act as a distraction, so it’s […]

Tips for Setting up a Home Office

Teenage suicide in New Zealand
The latest [New Zealand] suicide figures are the highest since coroner’s records began [only] nine years ago. Mental Health Foundation (MHF) chief executive Shaun Robinson said the latest suicide figures are shocking and a sobering reflection on the failure of New Zealand to come together to prevent suicide in a […]

NZ Teenage Suicide Rate now Highest in OECD

Downloadable business guides
Please note that some information in these guides may be relevant only to particular regions. We strongly suggest, therefore, that you check with local authorities in your area regarding all legal regulations and obligations. Several of these guides feature similar information. Some may also contain some promotional ‘hype’ for a […]

Downloadable Business Guides