Daily Archives: 29/08/2017

In the above slides we offer for your amusement and indignation a little light relief in the form of a selection of genuine vintage adverts that we have little doubt would be completely banned today.

Vintage Adverts

The ideal home office
As more people turn to freelance work and self-employment, the home office is fast becoming the new norm. Working from home welcomes the luxury of freedom that’s hard to find in a conventional office setting. However, the comfort of your own home may also act as a distraction, so it’s […]

Tips for Setting up a Home Office

Teenage suicide in New Zealand
The latest [New Zealand] suicide figures are the highest since coroner’s records began [only] nine years ago. Mental Health Foundation (MHF) chief executive Shaun Robinson said the latest suicide figures are shocking and a sobering reflection on the failure of New Zealand to come together to prevent suicide in a […]

NZ Teenage Suicide Rate now Highest in OECD